The Marine Raider Association cannot complete its mission without the assistance of its members, partners, and supporters.

We invite you to support our organization via the following methods:
All those eligible for membership should join the Association and become a voice for the Raider community. See our Membership page for eligibility requirements.
If ineligible for full membership in the Association, partnering with our Association is an option that will enable us to fully achieve our goals and concentrate our energies on our three lines of effort (Preserve, Connect, Mobilize). Please contact our Support Liaison at to discuss partnering opportunities.
Our Association welcomes your expertise, talents, and enthusiasm in order to help us achieve our goals and better serve the Raider community. Volunteers make our events better, can help at our partners’ events like those hosted by the Marine Raider Foundation, and fill seats on our committees as we expand our Raider community outreach efforts. Our Volunteer Liaison welcomes your interest and can be reached at info@marineraiderassociationorg.
Your one-time or monthly donation can help the Marine Raider Association’s efforts to preserve, connect, and mobilize the Raider community. Please visit our Donate page to complete your donation! We thank you in advance for your part in ensuring the Association’s work continues!