FARMINGTON, Nov. 22 (AP)—Discovery of the body of a 22-year-old Navajo Indian who disappeared almost two years ago was reported tonight.

State Patrolman Andy Andrews of Farmington said the body was found Saturday by Sheriff’s Deputies Pete Fisher and George Huntsman, both of Aztec, on an abandoned rural road about 10 miles north of here.

The body has been identified as that of Howard Thomas Yellowman, who was last seen in Farmington the night of Feb. 18, 1946. He had been discharged from the U.S. Marine Corps about two months before that.

Andrews said the identification was made by the youth’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hosteen Yellowman, who live near Fruitland, N.M. He said the body was badly decomposed, but markings on his socks and other articles of clothing were still readable.

An inquest was held, but the verdict of the coronor’s jury was not made public.