Miami, Fla. – (AP) – A small, freakish hurricane left southeast Florida under the highest floodwater in 30 years before its center swirled out into the Atlantic yesterday, chased by Army and Navy aerial hurricane trackers.

Damage from 71-mile winds was minor but hundreds of homes were isolated around Miami and Fort Lauderdale by record-breaking downpours. Nathan Mayo, state agricultural commissioner, said “The greatest agriculture disaster in more than a generation” had resulted from the torrents dumped on the rich Everglades farming district around Lake Okeechobee, already swollen by two previous storms and almost daily rains.

Two American Red Cross volunteers were killed yesterday [October 12, 1947] when the mercy vehicle with which they planned to evacuate flood victims rammed a utility pole.

Both men were Marine Corps veterans here to attend a convention. They were tentatively identified by the Red Cross as Thomas Fedele, 18, of Chicago, and James Warnock, Troy, N.Y.