The second of two sons of a Price Hill mother has been killed on Okinawa and a Walnut Hills soldier has died of wounds suffered on Luzon, it was reported yesterday. Six more Greater Cincinnatians have been wounded in action.
Marine Corp. John James McLaughlin, 4117 Eight St., Price Hill, was killed in action May 20 [1945], one year after the death of his only brother, Marine Sgt. Anthony Thomas McLaughlin, in a plane crash in the South Pacific. The telegram announcing the death of John McLaughlin was received June 1, exactly one year after the death of Mrs. McLaughlin’s mother.
Corporal McLaughlin had been in the Marines two years and overseas 20 months. A graduate of St. James High School, Ludlow, he formerly worked in the Cincinnati office of the Railway Express Agency. He was engaged to Miss Mary Katherine Kluck, Ludlow, who is employed by the Cincinnati Bell Telephone Co.