Funeral services for Marine Pfc. Richard F. Ford, former St. Louisan who was killed in action in the Pacific, will be held Saturday at 9:30 a.m. at St. Francis Xavier (College) Church, 239 North Grand Boulevard. Interment will be in the National Cemetery at Jefferson Barracks.

Pfc. Ford, 20 years old, lost his life on Bougainville Nov. 8, 1943 while a member of the Second (Carlson’s) Raider Battalion. He left his freshman studies at St. Louis University to enlist the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ford, formerly of 5547 Waterman Boulevard, now of Dallas, Tex.; four brothers, Edward H. Ford, Austin, Minn.; Gerard W. Ford, New York; Allen G. Ford, Fort Worth, Tex., and John L. Ford of St. Louis and a sister, Miss Margaret M. Ford, Fort Worth.